Project Description
This project in Boston included a central cooling system for 16-condominium units utilizing a roof-mounted condenser plant and a main refrigeration chase running down an old incinerator shaft. We used a mini crane mechanism to lower the pre-built piping and electrical assembly carefully leaving connection valves at each floor.
Each tenant fit-out included air handling equipment, ductwork, grilles and refrigerant piping running back to the shaft for connection to the main chase.
Individual thermostat controls were located in each unit to control the cooling systems. A central computer control station located in the basement connected to the system and using a tenant billing software we are able to isolated the use of each tenant by refrigerant flow and split up the billing from the utility company appropriately.
Project Details:
- (2) condenser plants totaling 60-tons
- (2) main refrigeration and electrical chase down incinerator shaft
- Dual-coil indirect fired water heater
- Variable-speed condensing and air handling units
- Mitsubishi integrated central control station with tenant billing software